Image of Caleb Chang

Caleb Chang

John M. Dolan

Hello, my name is Caleb Chang and I am a rising senior studying Electrical Engineering at Georgia Tech. I am interested in controls, signal processing, and anything else robotics-related! This summer, I have the opportunity to dive deeper into the field of robotics–specifically in autonomous vehicle safety. As part of RISS, I will be working under Dr. John M. Dolan at the Robotics Institute to tackle three primary goals regarding safety-critical control. The first is to develop a method to determine pairwise interactions between vehicles. The second is to estimate the parameters of a control barrier function from noisy observations. Third, by combining results from the first and second goals, we can develop an appropriate strategy for the ego agent to better interact with the target agent and its surrounding vehicles allowing for safer and more effective locomotion. I am super grateful to John M. Dolan, Yiwei Lyu, and those at the Robotics Institute for giving me this opportunity to work, learn, and grow to be a more mature researcher this summer.