Image of Leonardo Dos Santos

Leonardo Dos Santos

Electrical Engineering
Dr. Sebastian Scherer
Federal University of Minas Gerais

Leonardo is a third year electrical engineering student at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. His primary research interest is motion-planning for autonomous robots. At UFMG, he has been working in VeRLab Lab on path-planning for networked multi-robot systems. This summer, he will be working with Brady Moon and Dr. Sebastian Scherer in the AirLab on object-tracking and Informative Path Planning. Some applications of these systems include wildlife monitoring for conservation purposes and search-and-rescue missions. He is very excited to meet people from so many different cultures with a common passion for robotics. He’s very thankful to his mentors, sponsors, the RISS organizers, and CMU for making this amazing opportunity possible!