Alexandra Gillespie
Alexandra is a rising junior at Colby College in Maine. They are a computational psychology major with minors in English and philosophy. Alexandra is excited and honored to be working with Dr. Zackory Erickson in the Robotic Caregiving and Human Interaction (RCHI) Lab this summer. In their previous research, Alexandra explored HCI/HRI, social robotics, and ethical integration of emerging technologies. More specifically, they researched the integration of a Boston Dynamics “Spot” into the setting of a rural college campus, the effects of gender stereotyping on voice assistive technologies, and the ethical implications of digital immortality. At RISS, Alexandra will further develop these skills and hone in on areas of interest in preparation for graduate school in robotics or computer science. The resources and support of Carnegie Mellon University are unmatched and Alexandra thankful for this opportunity. They are especially grateful to Dr. Erickson, Rachel Burcin, and the generous sponsors and partners who make this opportunity possible.