Image of Prateek Akula

Prateek Akula

Computer Science
University of Maryland College Park

Hi everyone! My name is Prateek Akula. I’m from northern Virginia, near DC and the DMV. I am a sophomore at the University of Maryland College Park, where I am currently studying Computer Science. I will be working with Professor Sebastian Scherer in the AirLab this summer. I have been very interested in AI, especially with computer vision and it’s potential for the coming era. This summer, I will be exploring the aircraft detection and avoidance pipeline. My focus will mostly be related to an onboard deep learning framework for long-range aircraft detection and tracking. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to further explore and learn this in this environment. In addition to this, I like to go to the gym, watch anime-one piece is my favorite, play basketball, and listen to music. I’m also very excited to meet new people and connect, so always feel free to reach out! I’m looking forward to meeting everyone this summer and making fun memories!