Image of Ali Bohliga

Ali Bohliga

Computer Science
University of Virginia

Hi, I am Ali Bohliga, a rising senior at the University of Virginia majoring in computer science. I am from Saudi Arabia and part of the prestigious KGSP scholarship awarded by KAUST. This summer, I will be joining the Hammal Lab with Professor Zakia Hammal, where I will be working on using machine learning and facial recognition to detect pain from videos.I have previously worked as a Digital Marketing Intern at the DOW Middle East Innovation Center, where I developed new websites and analyzed data to improve project processes. I also served as a Research Assistant at the University of Washington, applying Bayesian inference to finite element methods under Professor Emery.In addition to my professional experience, I am actively involved in extracurricular activities such as working with the Nuqsh operations team to help Saudi high school students apply to prestigious U.S. colleges and serving as a peer academic coach at UVA. My .I am passionate about leveraging my skills and experiences to contribute to innovative and impactful projects, and I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead in my career.