Image of Allison Yang

Allison Yang

Computer Engineering
Dr. Artur W. Dubrawski
New York University

Xinchen (Allison) is a senior at New York University majoring in computer engineering and minoring in mathematics. Her research interests lie in algorithms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Allison is a returning RISS student. Since June 2022, she has had a great time working with Dr. Artur Dubrawski and Jessie Chen in the Auton Lab on the project of evaluation of automated machine learning systems. She feels fortunate to be able to continue to work with them on related projects this summer. Building on previous work, they hope to promote their work to more types of data tasks, including time series, text data, etc.. Additionally, she has ample research experience on theoretical analysis and experimental simulation for optimization and decision-making problems. She’s excited to get to know the RISS commmunity this summer!