Image of Dayi Dong

Dayi Dong

Engineering Sciences (Mechanical)
Dr. Howie Choset
Yale University

Ethan will be a senior next year at Yale University. He studies mechanical engineering and computer science. Thus far, his interest and work in robotics has specifically been centered around search-and-rescue algorithms and multi-agent systems. He has been working in Yale’s Intelligent Autonomy lab working on different ergodic search-problem variations and applying them to drones. This summer, he will join Dr. Howie Choset’s Biorobotics Lab and continue ergodic search work in different contexts. Additionally, he plans on also beginning to explore work on learning-based modular robotics design. He looks forward to really getting started on these projects and learning new things! He’d like to thank RISS, Dr. Choset, and Rachel Burcin!