Elena Wittemyer
Hello! My name is Elena Wittemyer, and I am a rising senior at Yale University studying Mechanical Engineering. My research areas of interest include space robots, motion planning, and computer vision. I have worked under Dr. Ian Abraham in the Yale Intelligent Autonomy Lab since my freshman year, conducting one research project on trajectory planning for Mars rovers and another on rapid obstacle tracking from LIDAR point clouds. This upcoming summer, I will be working under Dr. Howie Choset in the Biorobotics Lab on a project involving multi-agent ergodic search with dynamic information maps. Outside of research, my other extracurriculars including working on the software team of my university’s CubeSat project and participating in my university’s climbing team. I also enjoy skiing, mountain biking, and watching movies. I am very excited to explore the city of Pittsburgh and learn about the research of the other students participating in RISS over the upcoming summer!