Image of Ethan Villalovoz

Ethan Villalovoz

Computer Science
Washington State University

Hi everyone, my name is Ethan Villalovoz! Originally from Sacramento, California, I am a rising senior at Washington State University pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. My research interests are advancing navigation, communication, and learning capabilities to enhance autonomy in complex environments, particularly in healthcare. My previous research experience in robotics in Summer 2022 at Oregon State University explored how people perceive varied robot formations while navigating through a space and approaching people. At my home institution, I analyze security vulnerabilities of programs generated by large language models-LLMs for code, contributing to enhanced system integrity and cybersecurity, measured by identifying and mitigating potential risks. This summer, I will work under Dr. Henny Admoni and her research group, the Human and Robot Partners-HARP Lab. This opportunity will allow me to pursue my research interests further and explore an entirely different area of robotics! I am very excited about the research experience and memories I will gain from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. I want to thank Dr. Admoni, Michelle Zhao, Rachel Burcin, and Dr. John Dolan for this opportunity. I am excited to begin my research at Carnegie Mellon University and meet my talented peers; go RISS 2024!