Gabriel Nixon
Hello! My name is Gabe Nixon, and I am a passionate rising senior at the Georgia Institute of Technology studying Aerospace Engineering-major and Computer Science-minor. This summer, I am working closely with Mr. Steven Willits in the CMU AirLab to develop the preliminary concept designs for an experimental natural disaster emergency flight vehicle in GoAero’s HeroX competition. My work throughout the 2024 RISS program will be especially focused around the internal system design, which includes leveraging components such as energy systems, flight controllers, and other various instrumentation. From my CMU RISS summer experience, as well as throughout my entire career in general, I seek to learn, discover, and apply novel methods for intertwining aerospace engineering with the ultra-fast developing fields of robotics and ML in order to create new beneficial applications for the everyday world population at large. As such, I am immensely thankful and grateful for my opportunity to contribute and learn at such a ground-breaking robotics institution, and I look forward to what discoveries we can make together next.