Hyun Joe Jeong
Hi everyone! My name is Joe, and I’m currently a mechanical engineering undergrad at UC San Diego. My research interest/background is in safety critical planning & control under uncertainty, specifically with humans involved. My previous research experiences are in this field, where I was very fortunate to be able to work with Dr. Sylvia Herbert on projects such as synthesizing control Lyapunov value functions through admissible control sets, and leveraging a deep learning framework for online adaption in planning & control for uncertain environments. I want to bridge the gap between theory and application for safety critical systems by focusing on scalability and learning from the right data for efficient human-robot interactions. For the summer, I’ll be working with Dr. Andrea Bajcsy on discovering safety failures of imitation learning policies, and providing alternatives aligned with the human’s interest and intent. I would like to thank the RISS organizers, sponsors, and mentors for this wonderful opportunity, and I look forward to seeing what RISS has to offer!