Isaiah Adu
My name is Isaiah Adu, and I am a junior at Penn State University, pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Mechatronics. I have a passion for robotics and am enthusiastic about engaging with the CMU Robotics Institute and the broader robotics community. As a Schreyer Honors student at Penn State, I am conducting my honors thesis under the mentorship of Dr. Sean Brennan in the Intelligent Vehicles Systems Group. My research focuses on high-speed autonomous vehicle dynamics modeling, specifically developing a dynamics model for a 1/5 scale test vehicle designed for complex off-road environments. This summer, I am thrilled to join Dr. Scherer and the AirLab team as a Robotics Institute Summer Scholar, working on the Tartan Drive project. Beyond academics and research, I enjoy singing, baking, and playing video and tabletop games. I am deeply honored to be selected for this program and extend my gratitude to Dr. Scherer and the entire RISS team for this incredible opportunity.