Image of Khalid Ajran

Khalid Ajran

Mathematics with Computer Science
Dr. Maxim Likhachev
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Khalid is a mathematics and computer science student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He comes from a math-heavy background, but is curious to branch out and try some work in robotics and theoretical computer science. Khalid’s excited to work under the guidance of Professor Maxim Likhachev in the Search-based Planning Lab. While here, a goal of his is to explore what research is like in a field that he’s not particularly used to. In particular, Kahlid would like to learn how to pick a research direction and review previous literature. Additionally, he’s looking forward to meeting people from various backgrounds, to hear about their experiences, and to learn from them. He also is eager to explore the various sides of robotics by attending talks. With this program, Khalid hopes to get more ideas of how he can apply what he’s learned—both in this program and outside of it—to make positive impacts. Khalid would liek to thank the KGSP scholarship for sponsoring him, the RISS community and staff for supporting this experience, and the SBPL for welcoming him and helping him do research.