Image of Micah Nye

Micah Nye

Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Sebastian Scherer
University of Pittsburgh

Micah is a rising senior mechanical engineering student at the University of Pittsburgh. Throughout his undergraduate journey, he has been fortunate enough to work on state estimation and localization in various environments for autonomous racecars with his team, MIT-PITT-RW. He has also been working under Dr. Wenshan Wang in the AirLab on an off-road autonomous driving project where he has worked on developing effective ways to estimate and quantify epistemic deep learning model uncertainty of traversability cost predictions over patches of ground in off-road terrain. And now, through RISS, Micah is exploring advanced control in complex dynamic systems. He will be exploring this in the form of multi-drone optimal trajectory generation and control in the AirLab under Dr. Sebastian Scherer and Dr. Micah Corah. Micah is very excited to begin this work and even more eager to meet his cohort and immerse himself in this rich robotics community that RISS has cultivated. He would like to thank Dr. Scherer, the RISS program, and Rachel Burcin!