Renos Zabounidis
Hello! My name is Renos Zabounidis, and I am a graduating senior majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. At UMass, I have focused on research in statistical machine learning (specifically Normalizing Flows), interpretability, and Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. I am interested in applying techniques from Machine Learning, Statistics, and Cognitive Science to create more cooperative, social artificial agents. This summer, I will be continuing my work with Dr. Katia Sycara on developing interpretable Multi-Agent Reinforcement learning models whose policy can be understand and influenced by human intervention. Following RISS, I will join RI as a PhD student funded by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Huge props to Rachel Burcin, Dr. Dolan, and all the other RISS mentors / sponsors making RISS in person this year! I’m looking forward to meeting everyone in person for the first time and hopefully seeing some old faces from my cohort.