William Scott
Hello everyone! My name is Will Scott, and I am a Computer Engineering student at the University of Pittsburgh. I am interested in learning more about path planning based on the Anytime A* algorithm for autonomous robots and systems. This summer, I will be researching in the Search-Based Planning Lab under the guidance of Dr. Maxim Likhachev. I am excited to collaborate in a team-oriented environment, as opposed to the test-based model in classrooms within academia. I feel this environment aligns with my work style more by granting me the freedom to explore my interest without the overt fear of failure. Furthermore, I look forward to refining my communication skills and building my professional network with like-minded peers. I cannot wait to use the technical knowledge and skills learned from RISS to empower my local community: building a framework for after-school programs designed to expose underrepresented minorities to robotic concepts in a safe environment. Thank you to my sponsors and RISS staff for believing in me and supporting me to pursue this opportunity.