Zoey Ballard
Hello everyone! My name is Zoey Ballard. I am from Dallas, Texas, but currently, I go to school five hours away from my hometown at the University of Houston as a freshman dual majoring in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. I am focused toward embedded systems, and from past research and programs I have done, I have gotten exposure in customer success, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, robotics, and computer vision. This summer, I will be working in Dr. Pollard’s Foam Robotics lab to engage with end-users and develop effective interfaces for them. I would like to thank Dr. Nancy Pollard, Rachel Burcin, and Morgan Grimm for granting me this special opportunity, helping me through the application process, and going out of their way to answer any burning question I had. I am incredibly excited to start this program and especially to meet everyone, so please reach out if you would like to connect. Thank you for reading!