Leveraging Computer Vision to Better Detect the Risk of Landslides:RISS Alumni Presents at the Tapia Conference

Each fall, computer science researchers gather across the nation in celebration of diversity in STEM, the Tapia Conference.  For two consecutive years, Hameed Abdul (RISS ’18 working with Dr. Christoph Mertz) has presented his undergraduate research results  and shared his journey as an increasingly accomplished STEM scholar.  

Hameed Abdul presents at Tapia 2019 Conference.

Hameed worked with a team of researchers at CMU to leverage computer vision and affordable hardware to help keep communities safe from unexpected landslides.  

Hameed presented his research results to the CMU academic community:

CMU is committed to supporting the next generation of scholars that will further scientific innovation. The CMU RI Summer Scholars (RISS) program matches students from around the world to leading researchers in robotics for guided research experiences and extensive professional development.  Scholar contributions continue beyond the summer and campus community.

Rachel Burcin, co-director of RISS, noted that “Scholarship sponsors change lives by enabling students to engage, learn, and connect in meaningful robotics and AI research.  The impact can last a lifetime.”

Carnegie Mellon’s Mobility 21 financial support made Ham’s participation in RISS possible. The partnership and generous support of RISS sponsor Mobility 21 helps make undergraduate research experiences at the Robotics Institute possible.